Hip Replacement
Whether you are preparing for a hip replacement, or recovering from your surgery, our healthcare professionals have a major role to play in your recovery process. Book a physiotherapy appointment with one of our skilled clinicians to learn how we can maximize your success.
Pre-Operative Therapy
Did you know that a program of pre-habilitation can improve pain levels and function after surgery? Our therapists will help to optimize your strength, mobility, and function prior to surgery in order to ensure the best possible post-operative outcomes. We will teach you everything you need to know about the preparation and recovery process associated with a hip surgery.
Post-Operative Rehabilitation
Engaging in a comprehensive rehabilitation program after an operation is critical to obtain full functional potential. Our therapists use many hands on techniques along with a specific exercise program to speed the recovery process. Whether you hope to return to work or regular day-to-day activities, our therapists will use a variety of strategies to get you there as soon as is safely possible.